
1.Table – schedule (spielplan) with 2 columns

1 x Vorrunde (Best of 3 sets) + 3 x 1. Runde (Best of 5 sets)Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2016, 20 Uhr
Lorem Ipsum Name Player 9
Lorem Ipsum Another Name Player 3
Lorem Ipsum Name Player 9
Lorem Ipsum Another Name Player 3
Lorem Ipsum Name Player 9
Lorem Ipsum Another Name Player 3


2. Table – results (ergebnisse) with 4 columsn

BDO-Finalpaarungen: fraue
1978 Leighton Rees 11:7 John Lowe
1979 John Lowe 5:0 Leighton Rees
1980 Eric Bristow 5:3 Bobby George
1981 Eric Bristow 5:3 John Lowe
1991 Dennis Priestley 6:0 Eric Bristow
1998 Raymond van Barneveld 6:5 Richie Burnett
1999 Raymond van Barneveld 6:5 Ronnie Baxter
2012 Anastassija Dobromyslowa 2:1 Deta Hedman
2013 Anastassija Dobromyslowa 2:1 Lisa Ashton